Legal Notices
The website et (ci-après le « Site ») est édité par :
SOUFFLET MALT, S.A.S with Supervisory Board and capital of €14,583,834.25 – SIRET 562 880 195 00028 RCS TROYES – VAT FR92 562 880 195
Registered Office: Quai du général Sarrail – 10400 Nogent-sur-seine – France
Telephone No.: 03 25 39 41 11
Publication Director: JORGE SOLIS, Chief Executive Officer
Site hosting company: This site is hosted on Microsoft’s Cloud solution (Azure). It is geographically located in the Microsoft hosting centre in Western Europe, located in the Netherlands.
For more information, refer to:
By visiting this site you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the present agreement. SOUFFLET MALT strives to guarantee to the best of its ability that the content available on this site is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right, at any time, to modify or suspend, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the site, without being obliged to inform you thereof beforehand.
SOUFFLET MALT strives to the best of its ability to provide users with available and verified data and/or tools, but cannot be held liable for errors, unavailability of information and/or for the presence of viruses on its site. If you disagree with these principles, you may leave the Site.
SOUFFLET MALT informs users of this site that the elements presented (photos, drawings, logos and any graphic or visual element, etc.) are protected by the legislation in force on copyright, designs, and models as well as by trademark legislation. SOUFFLET MALT is vested with all intellectual property rights over all the aforementioned elements of the site. Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, translation, marketing, either partial or complete is prohibited, except with the prior written consent of SOUFFLET MALT.. You may nevertheless print whole pages on a paper medium for your personal, strictly private use.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended and Regulation No. 2016/679 on data protection (GDPR), you have a right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data as well as a right to object to the processing of your data that you can exercise by writing to our customer service (please specify your surname, first name, postal address and email address) by email to
For more information on the processing of personal data implemented by SOUFFLET MALT, you can consult our privacy policy by clicking on the following link: _________ Privacy Policy
The Site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. To the extent that SOUFFLET MALT cannot control such sites and external sources, SOUFFLET MALT cannot be held responsible for the provision of such sites and external sources, and cannot bear any liability for the content, advertisements, products, services or any other materials available on or from these sites or external sources. In addition, SOUFFLET MALT shall not be held liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use or reliance on the content, goods or services available on such sites or external sources.
You agree that this site and your relationship with SOUFFLET MALT fall under French law, which is the only law applicable to this site. Any dispute with a user of the site will be submitted to the competent French courts.